How old is Charlie?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mothers Day

Seeing as it was my first Mothers Day I wanted to treat Mum to a lovely day. Craig and I bought Mum some lovely flowers, a photo frame with our picture in it and some chocolates.

It was also Great Nanny Inger's birthday so we went on Skype and had a lovely video chat. This was the first proper time we got to see each other and I can't wait to meet her. She looks lovely and Daddy has told me many stories about her.

We all went round to Nanny's house and Grandad Joe made everyone a nice big lunch. Then we all went to the pub for a few drinks to relax. I got a bit grizzly so Daddy picked me up to calm me down. That brought all the ladies over "ooh-ing" and "ah-ing". Dad told me to keep away from the ladies because they'll nick all your money but I don't know what that means or have any money, so I ignored him on that one!

Hope all the Mummy's had a nice day and I can't wait until next year so I can give Mummy proper cuddles.

I think Nanny Ann was telling me a story....... :o)

Auntie Catriona, Mummy and Big Brother Craig pose for the camera

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