How old is Charlie?

Friday, March 13, 2009

A walk in the park!

No, this entry isn't about how easy it is to look after little Charlie, but our first walk out with the buggy.

Suzanne & I, got Charlie dressed up nice and warm and walked through the park to pick Craig up from school. Charlie took it all in his stride as per usual as he slept for the whole journey, there and back!

Charlie wrapped up nice and snug

Obi came along too and decided to throw himself into the river and ran around like a mad dog. And Craig somehow managed to convince me to carry his bag so he could play football. We all had a go at pushing the buggy then went home for a nice cup of tea! Happy days!

Obi loves the water!

Suzanne poses as the proud Mummy

Daddy enjoying the sunshine

Big bro Craig helps out

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