So there we were waiting to go into Keston Lodge on Upper Street in Islington when my life changed.
Someone couldn't be bothered to queue so we all decided to walk back down the road and go to O'Neil's Bar. Now I know what you're thinking, how could O'Neil's Bar be a life changing experience? (if you've been there you'll know it's not the greatest bar in London), but read on and I'll explain. We all wandered down the road, arrived at the bar with a funny looking doorman telling us that we had to pay to get in!!! Shocking! Pay to get in to a sh*tty bar that we didn't really want to go into. But all the same, we paid our £3 (yes that's all they wanted, although they should've been paying us to be fair!!!!) and in we went to a smelly drunken kind of music club. I have been there before on many occasions but the future did not look bright on this night.
From what I remember we got on the Vodka Red Bull straight away in order to take away the pain. Half way through the night, George and Nick went out for a(nother) fag and started talking to a couple of ladies. Well when I say "started talking to" I mean the blonde haired of the two decided to ponce a fag off of George, who in turn dragged them both back inside to come and chat to the boys and girls (Miche and Hels Bells were providing much entertainment too!). The darked haired Mairead was working her way through Magners Cider like they were gonna stop making them and the blonde Suzanne was was drinking Vodka like her life depended on it.
By the end of the night myself and Suzanne swapped numbers and promised to see each other again. I'm not sure if either of us believed it but little did we know it was the start of something very special.
We're now eight months on and I've decided to move to Ireland. I've never even wanted to live outside of Chingford, let alone another country. But that just tells you what kind of impression that this young lady from the south west of Dublin has had on me. I can honestly say that she is the kindest, most beautiful, thoughtful, amazing specimen of a female that I have ever met and I know that I will be spending the rest of my life with her.
The rest of this blog is going to be the story of our lives together, across the Irish Sea in a little village called Clondalkin.